February 2020
Critical Care
Kettering Medical Center
United States




I am thankful for the day that he decided to go into nursing.
My family would like to recognize Bill for his compassionate, professional care that he gave my husband while in the unit. My husband had heart surgery. He developed bleeding postop. My husband had to be taken that evening back to surgery due to the continued bleeding through the chest tubes. Our nurse stayed past his shift even though he was to return to work the next day. He helped take my husband down to surgery to ensure a safe hand off of care. He informed us of what was done in a caring professional manner.

My husband had Bill, the following day. He worked with my husband to decrease sedation to get him off the vent as safely & quickly as possible. He would tell my husband to trust him and kept him calm during the process. My husband easily gets anxious. On Sunday, Bill did not have my husband as a patient but was the nurse who removed his chest tube. Again, he worked calmly and repeated what the patient needed to do when the tubes were being removed. I watched him help co-workers willingly and pleasantly each day. I am thankful for the day that he decided to go into nursing. We have been blessed that he was there for my husband through those days while he was in the unit.