Winnie Waterman
May 2022
4A Medical ICU
Los Angeles General Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




Winnie saw and felt my pain; she was so comforting and assured me and hugged me.
I found my mother confused and on the floor. She was brought to LA General by EMS for a possible stroke. When I arrived at the ER, I was informed she had a massive bleed, shifting her brain. The news was devastating and even though I am a nurse, I was scared and feared surgery for my mother. She was taken to this unit before surgery where I met with the surgical team. Winnie saw and felt my pain; she was so comforting and assured me and hugged me. Her compassion for my situation was so genuine. When my mother returned to her room, she made sure I was informed of the plan of care and introduced the upcoming nurse for report.


Winnie is a caring, compassionate, and hardworking nurse. She consistently goes above and beyond to provide excellent care to every patient she encounters. Many patients and families have expressed how much they appreciate the exceptional care she provides. She is a dedicated and loyal nurse who always looks for the best interest of the unit. She is always ready to lend a hand, share her expertise, and collaborate with others.

She is proactive and innovative, always seeking ways to improve the quality and efficiency of care. She is very supportive of her co-workers, patients, and their families. She is a leader and always encouraging and empowering others to grow and learn.

She is actively involved with our unit-based performance projects such as decreasing HAPIs. She consistently does skin rounds and updates the skin log she created for high-risk patients, ensuring proper care and preventative measures. She also serves as a relief in charge and clinical coach. She is a great asset to the unit! Congratulations Winnie for this well-deserved recognition!