Yong Chang
August 2017
Providence Alaska Medical Center
United States




Entrusting the care of our premature twins to complete strangers is nerve-wracking. However, throughout the course of our stay one nurse, in particular, became more of a family member than a stranger. Yong had that extra special touch. She was so encouraging and supportive to the girls; always pushing them to do better and better.
One twin had an unfortunate incident where her PICC line infiltrated her lung and she had to be on high flow for two weeks. Yong would talk to her gently saying, "come on girl, you've got to catch up to your sister." Day after day of Yong's encouragement she gradually improved. Yong was also instrumental in getting the girls to take their full feeds and help them reach their goals to be discharged.
Yong's smile and gentle demeanor will be missed when we leave the NICU. Thanks Yong for all you've done to help our girls grow strong. We love you!