Yvettea Wilmer
December 2021
Salem Veterans Affairs Health Care System
United States




Yvettea took the time to educate us and supply us with so much information.
At my June appointment, I was informed I was diabetic. I was told medication and testing supplies would be coming, as well as a nutritionist call, follow-up with a pharmacist, and I would have an eye screening. We (my wife and I) were on our own to navigate this new world of diabetes. Needless to say, we were overwhelmed and lost trying to find a new diet for this illness. When we came to our appointment in August, we met a real-life Angel. Ms. Wilmer was welcoming, friendly and open to answer any and all questions we had. After our scan, she sat down and asked how could she help. She had worked with diabetes before. She answered our questions, went and found written resources for us and the cherry on top was she reached out to the diabetic educator and got us an hour to talk with her right then. All of this was way above and beyond her responsibilities! She showed us how to correctly test my sugar, found out our meter was broken, went and got a new one, and made sure we knew how to use it. She took the time to educate us and supply us with so much information. Her help made us feel so much better and gave us a better understanding of the diet we should follow and how to manage it. We felt like a ton of bricks was lifted from our shoulders. She was our hero! Thank you for having a way to recognize her efforts.