Zahra Ibrahim Al Bishi
February 2017
King Saud Medical City, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




I consider Zahra Ibrahim Al Bishi to be a perfect example of an ideal nurse. Everyone loves her as she always behaves with patients, doctors, and co-workers in a respectful and polite manner. Also, because she has all of the following features:
-Commitment to duty time and she has never been late.
-Ensuring that everything is prepared and ready before dialysis time. For example, arranging the bed and ensuring that it is comfortable for the patient, and preparing the equipment and tools.
-Ensuring that everything is clean, such as changing the linen immediately and cleaning the equipment before and after dialysis.
-Improving and developing her skills by attending courses and trying to avoid making mistakes. Also, she is an active nurse.
-Takes care of all patients, reassures patients and helps patients with compassionate care. Such as listening to their concerns and writing their notes accurately.
-Trying to understand disabled patients and doing that in a skillful and professional way.
-Informing doctors about any change or problem with the patient case.
-Ability to overcome the difficulties of work in a clever way.
-Taking responsibility for work and doing so quickly and in an accurate way.
-Cooperation with her colleagues in the performance of their work to do it completely and perfectly.
-Having a sense of tenderness and kindness and providing the services in the spirit of humor with a beautiful smile.
-Always smiles and tries to bring joy and happiness to patients by speaking with them in a nice way and convincing them to do things without force.
-Patience and the ability to work under pressure.