Social determinants of health (SDoH) - the conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play - affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes (see figure below). As stated by Healthy People 2020, "our health is ... determined in part by access to social and economic opportunities; the resources and support available in our homes, neighborhoods, and communities; the quality of our schooling; the safety of our workplaces; the cleanliness of our water, food, and air; and the nature of our social interactions and relationships. The conditions in which we live explain in part why some Americans are healthier than others and why Americans more generally are not as healthy as they could be." Given the trusting relationships nurses forge with patients and families, nurses are positioned to influence treatment and provide advice that may mitigate SDoH, leading to improved health outcomes. (https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/social-determinants-of-health)
Figure. Five Social Determinants of Health

Program Goals
The DAISY Foundation is eager to support the delivery of patient- and family-centered care of disadvantaged populations by funding nursing research and evidence-based practice (EBP) projects designed to address social determinants of health aimed at improving health outcomes.
The DAISY Foundation expects the principal investigators or EBP project leaders to design projects that support the needs of their local community, which are aligned with their organization’s Community Relations Office’s priorities. Dissemination of the results of this scholarly work, both internal and external to the organization, will expand evidence needed to inform interventions that improve health and reduce health disparities.
Click here to see the 2021 Heath Equity Grants that are being funded.
Target Populations
Target populations for the DAISY-funded studies or projects are those populations with a wide range of health risks based on one or more of the five social determinants of health categories outlined in the figure above. For example, the project population may include those who are disadvantaged because of economic instability; exposure to risk based in their neighborhood or living conditions; low health literacy or poor access to health care; racial disparities or social isolation; or low levels of educational achievement or illiteracy.
Types of Research Studies or Evidence-Based Projects
Applicants may choose to address whatever conditions or diseases interest them that are caused or affected by the SDoH(s). Funded work will:
- Be RN-led, but may include other professions on the team
- Address treatment of conditions or diseases that are affected by one or more of the SDoH factors noted above
- Project goals or aims are aligned with the needs of the local community as assessed by the Community Relations Office of the principal investigators’ or project leaders’ organization.
- Clearly describe the target population to be studied and how it is affected by SDoH(s)
- Explore the potential impact of a nursing solution to a health condition caused by one or more SDoH factors
Eligible Applicants
DAISY’s grants encourage registered nurses from all levels of experience to engage in research and EBP projects that will affect the health outcomes of patients and families. For this grant program, we will support investigators who are committed to compassionate, inclusive care and are passionate about making a difference for their target population. The application asks you to explain why this work is important to you. Grantees, whether working in a healthcare facility or academic setting must be connected to a clinical or community healthcare setting.
For all work, it is imperative that nurses who provide direct care play a meaningful role in your study or project in its conceptualization, implementation, data collection, data analysis, and dissemination of results. The application requires a description of the role these nurses will have in your work to ensure that this program is enhancing the research or EBP implementation experience of nurses who have direct contact with patients and families.
Additional Requirements
We seek studies and projects that may be transferable to other organizations and practitioners once they are completed. Applicants should be ready to implement their projects immediately following funding from The DAISY Foundation. Our application requires you to provide evidence of permission to use any tools you propose, so there is no delay in commencing the work.
Only research and EBP projects approved by your institutional review board (IRB) or that have been exempted in writing by your IRB will be funded. A copy of your IRB approval on IRB letterhead with an appropriate signature will be required prior to our funding your grant. If you do not have IRB approval yet, that is not a problem. You may apply for a grant while IRB approval is pending. Just know we will not actually fund without written IRB approval.
The timeline you submit for your study or project should plan for completion of your work within 1 year of its start.
Grant payment will only be issued to your institution or a specified fund at your institution, not to an individual investigator.
Grant Awards - click here for information about Grant Types
Research studies: Up to $7,500
EBP projects: Up to $2,500
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If Your Grant is Funded
At the half-way point and at the conclusion of your study or evidence-based practice project, we require a report from our Grantees. To review the requirements for these reports, please click on the following:
Interim Report or Final Report
If you receive funding from us, please recognize The DAISY Foundation upon publication/presentation of your research in the following way:
- Funding provided by The DAISY Foundation’s J. Patrick Barnes Grant for Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Projects
- A DAISY Foundation logo will be provided for your use.
- We will post the findings of your study on our web site and will discuss with you the specifics prior to our doing so.
In your letter of agreement provided with your grant application, you committed to submitting your presentation to the Sigma Repository. Please provide your presentation, either as slides (PowerPoint) or your poster, and the corresponding abstract, for inclusion in the Sigma Repository (www.SigmaRepository.org) by completing this form: https://sigmanursing.formstack.com/forms/daisy_grant_report.
- The Sigma Repository is a free resource of Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma). It was created for nurses and nursing students to disseminate materials not made available through traditional publishing methods. Only nurses and nursing students may submit material. Sigma membership is not required.
- The repository allows authors to experience the benefits of dynamic dissemination and the dissemination of posters with abstracts does not interfere with later publication of the full-length work in a peer-reviewed journal. Presenters can quantify the global impact of their work through the repository’s publicly available view and download statistics and Altmetric subscription which allows presenters to track online mentions of their work on a variety of platforms.
- Copyright is retained by submitters. The permanent web link to each submission may be cited on a resume, personal/faculty web page, tenure dossier, or curriculum vitae. Submissions are permanently stored on secure servers.
The DAISY Foundation must be notified by email (FaithThomas@daisyfoundation.org) should any member of the research team leave the institution.
If a project funded by The DAISY Foundation cannot be completed for any reason, the Foundation must be informed immediately and unspent funds must be returned to the Foundation. In summary, we will fund studies and projects that represent good science, will impact patients and their families in a direct way, and have potential outside one's own institution.
Application Forms
To apply, the first step is to complete the Application Form for your Research or Evidence-based Practice Project. Click here to apply now! Promote the grant to your nurses with our flyer- click here to download.
One final note: We suggest you keep this page open in a separate window so you can refer to it while you are completing your application.