Denita Peele-Whickum
March 2019
Cardiac Specialty Unit - SWAP Resource Nurse
Sentara Obici Hospital
United States




Denita is a DAISY Nurse for her compassionate, efficient, and above and beyond care that she provided during my 2-week hospital stay. My case was a complex one that took many turns filled with multiple challenges. Initially diagnosed with internal bleeding, my condition worsened as I incurred a full bowel obstruction. Denita placed my gastric tube with such kindness and encouragement that my tears and discomfort were minimized. As I progressed through multiple days of non-stop vomiting followed by multiple days of non-stop, uncontrollable diarrhea, Denita answered every call with a smile on her face and treated me with TLC. My daughters stayed the night and regardless of how many hours or shifts Denita worked, her infectious smile was always in place. In the raging storm of my health crisis, Denita was a ray of sunshine, a source of comfort, my advocate for the right care, and just the person my family and I needed to persevere. She is a diamond in the rough, a committed nurse whose integrity and work ethic are rare. She is a God-send!