Michelle Shepeluk
September 2014
Riverside Walter Reed Hospital
United States




In May, one of our co-workers, a fellow nurse, and dear friend to all at RWRH, became ill with a poor prognosis. Michelle was the nurse caring for her the day she received the bad news. Michelle was devastated- "How could something this bad happen to someone so wonderful?" Michelle went out of her way to comfort her and protect her privacy all while grieving herself. Michelle's empathy was evident. She was so concerned about our friend and fellow nurse and wanted to be able to fully understand what she was going through. While preparing her for a test, Michelle tasted the contrast so that she would understand how challenging it was for the patient to actually drink a large amount of it. Then she stayed with our friend encouraging her to drink the full amount. She treats all of her patients with the same degree of empathy and respect.


Per patient's wife: "Michelle clearly loves her job. She is very caring, very competent. When my husband came off the ventilator, he was very mad at everyone and very confused. Michelle knew exactly how to handle him. She diffused the anger and would come in extra times to help him overcome the confusion by asking him about his job and his family. She gave that extra attention that he needed and I would guess that she did that with all her patients! She stands out as what a nurse should be!"


Michelle faithfully lives by RHS mission to care for others as we would care for those we love. During Manager Rounds, as well as Press Ganey Surveys, Michelle is recognized by patients and their families for providing exceptional care. Michelle was so compassionate towards a patient's family member that her daughter brought Michelle a beautiful origami necklace and she proudly wears it every day at work. She is always striving to provide patients a positive outcome.