November 2018
Bridgeport Hospital
United States




Kaitlin had a special brand of sassiness that was able to get my mother through three nights of hell. Her attitude and sense of humor could make my mother smile. She was the nurse my mother trusted with her thoughts and feelings. Kaitlin called my mother's priest to bestow a special blessing upon her in her darkest hour. In a room of somberness, she was the sunshine. She always knew exactly what my mom needed to hear. As far as doing her job well, Kaitlin goes above and beyond and she is never at a loss for words. We asked if she could freshen my mom up and Kaitlin announced, "Spa night!" With the help of another nurse, they did a total body wash with a great smelling lavender soap, washed and styled her hair, brushed her teeth and offered lotion and lip gloss. When comfort was an issue, a new bed was ordered. Offers of fresh soup or whatever would tickle her fancy. I would put my money on the fact that if my mom asked her to do a backflip she would have tried to do it just to brighten my mom's day. It isn't often that I am surprised by someone's dedication, love, and kindness but today this nurse's shined through. It is believed that if you acknowledge someone's efforts, they will try harder. With Kaitlin, there will be no stopping this shooting star!
My mom also suffers from ITP and reading the story behind The DAISY Award inspired me to recognize our special nurse.