Lynnette Boelling
October 2019
Birthcare Center
Wesley Medical Center
United States




Our child was born on a Friday; everything was going well until our little one started to have a change. The nurses and doctors explained what was going on and we became nervous. We couldn't sleep due to worrying.
After being up with little rest for a few days, Lynnette could see that we were exhausted. She offered to hold him and watch over him for a few hours so we could get some rest. This very act meant the world to us! Her loving nature, calming description of what was going on, and her dedication were greatly appreciated. The entire Birthcare Center staff were incredible, but Lynnette was our savior during this very stressful time!
Lynnette's skill at providing information in terms that we understood made us feel like a partner in our care when she kept us updated and took the time to do so, it really decreased our anxiety. Thank you, Lynnette, for being the nurse that you are!