Trisha Ramsdell
November 2019
Surgical Services
Danbury Hospital
United States




Trisha went above and beyond in giving me the care I needed while I was a patient on the 8th floor. Personally, I go through a lot of mental health struggles, one of them being horrible body dysmorphia. During one of my breakdowns, Trisha sat with me, held my hand and talked me through it while assuring me that everything would be okay. She fought for me over and over again when the Pharmacy and resident physicians repeatedly made errors in my medication regimens. Trisha treated me like a daughter when I felt alone and needed a mother most. She shared pictures of her own kids and in treating me like one of her own, she helped me see myself through clear eyes. I wish I had the ability to name the other reasons as to why she is a DAISY Nurse, but it would take many pages to do so.
I want her to simply know what a difference she made in my life. I know that I certainly cannot be the only one to see the difference she makes in this world. Her passion and dedication to her job clearly show and I think it was a privilege to be her patient. Danbury Hospital is truly lucky to have a nurse like Trisha Ramsdell.