Jessica Mora
November 2019
Registered Nurse
Joint Repalcement Unit
Memorial Hospital West
Pembroke Pines
United States




Jessica is nominated and recognized by her patients. The current nomination was from a patient who has lived with joint pain for many, many years. The patient expressed how difficult it was to make the decision to replace her knee. The patient wrote that Jessica was the best motivation for mobility after her surgery. Jessica explained the importance of getting out of bed and moving post-operatively. The patient was afraid and scared of "more pain" and found that she was getting depressed.
Jessica, through her kindness, explanations, timing, and her smile, motivated the patient to move. The Patient admits that she did not want to move and was getting more and more depressed. Jessica's expertise and skills and kind communication changed the patient's fear into strength. Jessica gave the patient the strength to face the fear and move after her surgery. To the surprise of the patient, after Jessica assisted her out of bed, the patient had less pain and her spirits were happy. Jessica not only physically helped the patient to recover but she also helped her emotionally recover. Jessica is a DAISY Nurse.