Frankie Smith
July 2019
WellStar Atlanta Medical Center
United States




Last week I had my most difficult admission as a new graduate nurse up to this point. The admission was a victim of domestic abuse and an assault. When that patient came to us, she was at her lowest. I knew immediately that I could not help her nor provide for her alone, so I called in my charge nurse, Frankie Smith. Frankie immediately took control of the situation and calmed my nerves and frustrations while more importantly, making the patient feel at ease and cared for. Mrs. Frankie gave the loving and holistic care that only a mother could give while teaching me how to best help the patient feel most comfortable. Mrs. Frankie explained to the patient that she was going to have to help herself by protecting herself then and there from the perpetrator. Mrs. Frankie assured the patient that while under her care, the patient would be safe. She took measures to ensure a safe and self-protective environment where the patient could heal. Throughout a week of surgeries, Mrs. Frankie was there to reassure the patient that the patient was making the best decisions for herself by setting boundaries and believing in herself. Mrs. Frankie showed to me the passion and holistic care that nurses are capable of. Her actions reassured me that I am in the correct field of work.
On top of Mrs. Frankie's care for our patients, she comes into work early every shift and helps nightshift while preparing our dayshift for the best possible day. She works extra hard and takes very little time for herself to make our floor run very smoothly whether we encounter unique situations or not. Mrs. Frankie inspires confidence in everyone around her and reminds us why we are all nurses. Without Mrs. Frankie's guidance this year, I would not have had the confidence or knowledge I have now, nor would I have the accomplishments.