Jeanette Williams
May 2020
Progressive Telemetry
Atrium Health Lincoln
United States




My 88-year-old father was exhibiting symptoms that made me believe he might be having a stroke. I called 911 and he was transported to your ER. He started to recover fairly quickly and it was decided that he should be admitted for observation. He was brought upstairs and we were told Jeanette would be his nurse. Before she had a chance to come in, he was brought lunch. As he was eating I could tell he was still not right. While his speech was ok, he was not behaving in his normal way. I walked out of his room and saw Jeanette. I expressed my concerns and she came into the room and met with him and looked him over. She then stood in the doorway and had me give a rundown on his history and then explained to me what they thought might be wrong with him and what they would do based upon test results. Despite the fact she had another patient who was quite fragile and required much of her time (a fact I found out as we were leaving the next day), I felt I was given an incredible amount of attention and great response to my concerns. My father spent quite a bit of time asleep and Jeanette used that time to keep me up to date with his progress. As it turns out my father was released on the second afternoon and Jeanette was not able to do the discharge brief herself due to this other patient but she did take the time to apologize for not being able to do so. Why apologize? She spent the day running all over the floor and provided excellent care for my father. This was his second visit to Atrium and likely not his last as he was diagnosed with TIA, not his first. Although nobody wants to spend time in a hospital (except maternity) it is comforting to know that the nurses are as caring as they are. Every time I walked down the hall at least one person asked if I needed something. Thank you all for your hard work.