Marcos Ramirez
July 2017
West Kendall Baptist Hospital
United States




On countless occasions, Marcos has demonstrated his passion and overall willingness to help his colleagues and patients. Personally, my gratitude for his contribution to my growth as a circulating nurse is immeasurable. He is generous with his time, knowledge and patience and has aided me throughout any difficulties I had as a new nurse in the OR. He has shown me the value of honesty, sincerity and trust in the surgery department. Marcos has generously provided motivation and encouragement, serving as a mentor and great inspiration to me. His acts of kindness have been recognized by all who work around him.
As a circulating nurse in the operating room, Marcos is in constant collaboration with physicians, scrub techs, and anesthesia personnel. He assures that each room is prepared for the surgical procedures and are stocked with all equipment necessary. He always has patient safety in mind when preparing a case. I have witnessed firsthand the excellent feedback Marcos receives on behalf of surgeons and other co-workers. Working in surgery can be extremely stressful at times, however, Marcos' optimistic personality can soothe tensions in any stressful situation. When working, Marcos puts to use his many years of experience and critical thinking to resolve any issues that may arise during a case.
Marcos' interpersonal skills allow him to be an excellent role model for all those who work around him. For example, as a new nurse in the OR I found myself calling Marcos on various occasions afterhours. He was always glad to assist in any way possible.
Marcos is an excellent team player and is flexible when necessary. For example, recently one of our colleagues experienced a medical emergency and was forced to take a leave of absence. Marcos quickly volunteered to take over a majority of the nurse's nighttime and weekend calls, demonstrating his empathy and availableness for our team. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have him as my co-worker. Thank you Marcos.