November 2014
St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center
United States




Lan Nguyen has been practicing as an LPN on 1-4 (med-surg) for 2 years. She goes about her work every day, smiling and happy to be taking care of our patients in her own special way without a lot of fanfare. She does not like to draw attention to herself, but the compassionate care she delivers needs to be recognized and lauded.

Lan took care of an elderly patient named Leo on our floor for the majority of the 4 months he was in the hospital. Leo had been found by the police wandering at the local mall and had been unable to tell them where he lived or who he was and was admitted as a John Doe. Leo had no family, spoke a limited amount of English, and often got angry, loud and even violent with staff. He needed 24 hour a day supervision and watching, as he was at risk to elope from the hospital. He did not have capacity to make decisions and we cared for him until the legal system was able to name a guardian and secure a safe discharge for Leo.

Lan frequently asked to be assigned to care for Leo, and found a way to keep him calm and safe. Leo grew to trust Lan and even got to the point where he allowed her to shave him and cut his hair. Leo would walk the halls beaming at everyone, talking about how handsome he was now that "Lana" had barbered him. Lan bought Leo pajamas and several pairs of slippers, as he had nothing personal in the hospital with him. Leo would sing to Lan in Italian whenever she brought him treats, like the chocolate candy that she found out he loved. She always made sure Leo was cleaned, shaved well fed and pampered.

The time came after four months for Leo to be placed in a facility 80 miles away, as he needed a locked dementia unit. Lan was off that week on vacation. When we found out Leo was leaving, we called her. Lan interrupted her vacation to ride in the transport van 80 miles each way to be able to say goodbye to Leo and to make sure he was safe and settled. She cried when she left him and returned back to the hospital in the transport van without him. Compassion asks us to go to places that hurt sometimes and Lan did just that.

All of us will never forget Leo, but more importantly we will always remember the patience, compassion, and love Lan gave to someone difficult to love, to someone without friends, family or anything to call his own. She changed all that for Leo by being the gifted, compassionate nurse that we are so fortunate to have working here with us.