Stacey Winter
May 2020
GI Lab
United States




I have had Stacey as my nurse on two different occasions as I have obtained both inpatient and outpatient services at FHN. I've seen her grow and develop professionally and as a nurse over the years and have always been impressed with her skill (perfect IV starts), compassion, and her development in the art of nursing.
Just this week, my wife came in for her first post-cancer surgery scope. She was very anxious as anyone could imagine. It was time to transfer her from ACU to the GI Lab and in walked Stacey as her nurse. Her communications approach with my wife, patting her shoulder, and getting her a warm blanket almost instantly put her at ease. My wife even made Stacey promise that she wouldn't let me leave the GI Lab during the procedure—that's another story!
I walked into the GI Lab exactly when Stacey was wheeling her out of the procedure room. She was talking to my wife, assessing the situation, and explaining the next steps. She brought my wife a special tea requested and graham cracker. My wife didn't eat or drink as she was in and out of sleep. But it seemed every time she woke up, Stacey was there checking on her. The doctor shared the news with my wife that everything was fine and she didn't have to come back for three years. Exciting news shared by all in the area.
Lastly, as my wife prepared to leave, she got up and went to the nurses' desk. She hugged Stacey and expressed how much her caring meant to her that day. They talked and hugged again before we left. I can tell you from experience that my wife has shared her special hug with three providers and one nurse in the time I have known her. That nurse is Stacey. To me, it reinforced the belief I had that Stacey is a role model in the nursing profession and exemplifies the nursing qualities of a true DAISY Nurse.