September 2012
VA Nebraska - Western Iowa Health Care System
United States




Jenne Stack, RN was nominated by a Veteran

I would like to nominate Jenne Stack for the DAISY Award. I was diagnosed with a rare type of bone cancer and started chemo treatments right away. My treatments required me to be admitted in to the VA hospital every month for three weeks at a time.
My wife and children (we have eight children ranging from the age of 8 months to 15 years) were unable to be with me for my first treatment. Jenne stayed by my side through the treatment, and then made sure I was comfortable after my treatment. When my family was able to come to the VA, Jenne was very respectful of my family and their needs, even remembering their names.
Over the next eight months Jenne became an important part of my treatment and recovery. Each time I was admitted to the VA I did not want anything. Jenne made sure she did a daily full check over of my motor skill, eye movement, hands, feet, lungs etc. Jenne always kept me informed on how I was doing, and made suggestions of what I should be doing. She would then follow-up with me to see if I had done what she asked.
The side effects from my chemo treatments took a toll on my body. Jenne was right by my side for them all. Jenne would wait patiently with me while I recovered from the more volatile side effects. Jenne would just know when I was feeling down and she would take time to sit and talk with me until I was feeling better.
Jenne is an extraordinary nurse that provides an amazing level of care to her patients. I count myself lucky to have had Jenne as one of my nurses. I would like to say that I don’t think that I would have made it without Jenne.
I am deeply appreciative of Jenne’s level of care during my stay at the VA. I know that she played a big part in my recovery. I would like to thank her for all she has done for me.