Liliana Ramirez
December 2017
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
Laguna Hills
United States




Lili has a compassion for nursing, she is always ready to jump in and help our team when needed. I witness Lili's compassion for her patients and the time she spends with them. One example occurred recently when Lili had a patient who was placed on comfort care and the patient's son and daughter were at their mother's bedside. Of course, we never know the time someone will pass. The family was worn out and decided to go out for dinner. Lili used all her time when she was not with her other patients to be by her comfort care patient's bedside. She bathed the patient, rubbing lotion and knowing how important the power of touch is to a patient. Lili let the patient know she was not alone.
The patient passed before the family could return to the hospital. They were so saddened by this fact. When the son and daughter returned and I entered the room with them, they cried because they were not with their mother during her last moments. I told the family the patient was not alone, Lili spent any free time she had between patients by their mother's bedside. Lili was with her during her last moments of life. The son and daughter asked if they could see Lili. When Lili entered the room, they hugged her and thanked her for such special care she provided their dying mother and being with their mother as she took her last breath. They told Lili she provided them comfort in knowing she was with their mother during her last moment.
I shared this story in huddle, also, because nursing is not an easy profession, but witnessing a moment like this one.... makes one stop and realize again, that nursing is a calling. Lili, I am so proud to be one of your team members and witness the compassion you have for your patients. Thank you for all you do for our patients!