Paige Coggin
September 2017
Step down
UF Health - Jacksonville
United States




Paige recently celebrated her 2-year anniversary with our unit family on 8 South. Paige is always compassionate and empathetic in her nursing practice. She not only functions as a patient advocate but also as an advocate for her co-workers. Paige routinely brings in phone chargers and hygiene items for her patients. She has also been known to prepare meals for her patients who refuse the hospital food and encourages the morale of the unit by urging us to have pot-lucks for special occasions.
Paige truly harnesses certain attributes of Florence Nightingale. For instance, Paige does rounds on every patient approximately every hour and more often than not stays late to ensure her patients have gotten everything they could possibly need or want before she leaves shift. When Paige has a lonely patient or a patient without friends and family to visit, she will often times clock out and come back to the unit just to sit with the patient and provide them with TLC in their difficult time of need. Paige has bought new clothes and came in on her day off to provide to a patient who was homeless and being discharged with appropriate attire. Paige always preserves a patients' dignity in every task and test she conducts. She also uplifts her fellow co-workers by constantly providing constructive criticism and remarking on her co-workers' strengths. Paige not only 'talks up' her staff members during shift report, but also throughout her shift uplifting nightshift and dayshift.
There is truly no more compassionate person or nurse I have ever met. Paige is the embodiment of nursing as a whole. Her patients continuously rave about her nursing practice.