July 2018
Labor & Delivery
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital
West Bloomfield
United States




So this is a little late, but better than never. Per our conversation when we were being discharged on June 6th we would like to nominate Eva Marie for the Daisy Award. Below is our letter of nomination. Thanks!
We are writing this letter to recognize Eva Marie for her outstanding care during our stay the week of June 5th. Additionally, we would like to formally recommend Eva Marie for the Daisy Award because she exemplified the very characteristics the award aims to recognize individuals for.
This was our first child and we were nervous about the whole labor, delivery, and postpartum process. My wifewasn't sure what to expect regarding pain and discomfort as well as what her body would do and the items (other than a baby) that would come out of her during this time. Eva was extremely down to earth and she made us comfortable with the entire process, stating that she has seen all sorts of stuff, and not to worry about the delivery process and what gross things may occur. Eva's approach relaxed us and we never gave a second thought about our nerves. She regularly demonstrated "Is compassionate, trustworthy, and caring in all situations" throughout the entire birthing process.
Once my wifegot the epidural, Eva strongly recommended the "peanut ball." We had heard about this device during our laboring class several weeks before. During that class we had heard really good things about it but it was also mentioned that many of the nurses do not use it because it is a relatively new technique. Eva described to us how there has been lots of studies done that showed the effectiveness. Being engineers, we are both very data and science driven so we really liked how educated she was on new clinical practices. This demonstrated "Demonstrates clinical care and commitment to excellence."
Eva was an incredible labor coach.My wifewas so relieved when Eva gave her the green light to start pushing. She coached and encouraged us both through each contraction with an extremely calm, positive, and reassuring demeanor. We enjoyed talking to her in between each contraction, which made the two hours my wifepushed go by very quickly. We listened to music, talked about all sorts of random stuff, and joked a lot, which is important to us. We enjoyed getting to know Eva over the course of her 12 hour shift. She took extra time to get to know us, our careers, etc. She shared information about herself and her recent move to Michigan. Throughout this time, she demonstrated "Does an excellent job educating the patient and family, and listens to any questions or concerns they may have" and "Makes a special connection with the patient and family."
When Eva said it was time to start pushing, she asked mewhere myphone was. She said "You will want to keep that in your pocket." Once our son was born, as Istood there in disbelief, Eva looked over and said "Get your phone out!" Istarted taking pictures when Eva said, "OK, give me your phone and let's get some pictures of all of you." We regularly look back at those photos which really show the raw emotions and memories we had of those very magical minutes after his birth. This demonstrates "Goes above and beyond."
After the birth as she was picking up the room and getting everything organized, she asked us "Do you guys want to see the placenta before we dispose of it?" We took her up on it and she took the time to explain everything to us like we were in high school science class again. While showing us, we got a "hmm, that is interesting" and then she proceeded to show us that the umbilical cord was on the edge of the placenta. She said that it was rare but there are no medical concerns to worry about. Because of the "uniqueness," she followed up with doctorwhich they decided to send to Pathology for studying. This also demonstrates "Does an excellent job educating the patient and family," "Collaborates well with physicians and others," and also "Goes above and beyond."
Lastly, while we were trying to get some rest when our son finally decided to also get some rest, we noticed a toilet that kept flushing every minute or so. It sounded like it was the room next to us, so we raised a concern to her not only because of the noise but because it seemed like someone could be really sick. With a big smile on her face, she took on the mission to figure it out and said "I love detective work, I am on it!" After a while she came back and said "I found the issue! It was the staff bathroom, down the hall…someone laid an object (maybe a mop?) near the flushing sensor which was making it flush repeatedly." In this situation, Eva really demonstrated "Advocates for the patient and is a problem solver."
Please share this story with Eva and pass on our thanks again for her wonderful care. We hope the committee also sees how well Eva demonstrates the characteristics of the Daisy Award.