Jenna Padavano
April 2020
Morristown Medical Center
United States




Jenna recently cared for a patient in the CCU who was requiring maximum patient care and knowledge. Jenna recognized her patient was decompensating early. She delegated her responsibility as charge nurse; she asked for help when she needed it. She contacted the residents, the fellow, and the attending cardiologist voicing her concern about the patient. Jenna did not leave her patient's bedside. When she did not receive the interventions, she knew she needed, she escalated care and called the attending doctor directly. This patient had severe pulmonary hypertension and the decision was made by the Physician to start IV Flolan. Jenna understood the severity of starting and maintaining Flolan. When one of the physicians tried to abruptly stop Flolan, Jenna educated him that this medication cannot be abruptly stopped once starting. Jenna contacted the family to explain the severity of the situation and for an update. Jenna escalated the care for this patient who desperately needed it. We need more nurses as persistent as Jenna. Not only did she go above and beyond for her patient, but she also went above and beyond for her patient's family as well. Jenna's compassion and dedication to her patients exceed the job description and makes her an exceptional nurse. We're so thankful Jenna is part of our team. Thank you!