Ariana Moeser
July 2020
MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center
Laguna Hills
United States




Ari was recently assigned a patient who was very sick. She was 34weeks pregnant and had extremely high blood pressure. This patient was at risk for a seizure or stroke. Also, she had just received the horrible news that her baby had demised in utero. This patient required a special nurse to take care of her. Someone with amazing clinical skills as well the ability to be empathetic and spiritually present for her. Ari was able to prioritize the treatment. IV, labs, antihypertensives, magnesium infusion, as well as take MD phone calls, give pertinent information to the appropriate people, and get the patient ready for a Cesarean section. (baby was breech). The patient's blood pressure was not improving, and we decided to go forward with the Cesarean section and then transfer the patient to the ICU.
Prior to taking the patient to the OR, Ari held her hand and they prayed together. They spoke of the baby and Ari made sure to tell the patient that she was in good hands, safe and so, so, brave. During her time in the OR, Ari was efficient, and when the high-risk OBGYN called her for a patient update he was impressed with how much information she was able to give him. After an OR case is completed we usually will clean the patient up and immediately transfer the patient to her room. Instead, we brought the baby over to his mom and we had a moment of silence for the two of them. Ari placed her hand on the baby and mom and it was truly a beautiful moment. Ari's patient was sick, needed immediate care, and often a patient with a fetal demise is the most difficult patient to care for, but, these are the patients that need the BEST most compassionate nurses. Ari - was that nurse for this patient. She is a true DAISY Nurse.