Rene Graham
January 2018
Wound Specialist
Covenant Health Lubbock
United States




Rene is one of Covenant's hidden gems; the work she does is truly out of love and compassion for the patients that she cares for, the caregivers she educates and the peers whom she supports.
Rene goes above and beyond for her peers; over the holidays, the Lubbock area experienced some very wintery weather. It was expected to progressively get worse. Even though she was on vacation, Rene came in to work on New Year's Eve to see all of the Wound Vac patients and address any wound care needs in the event that her team would not be able to make it to work. She chose to put the needs of her patients and the wellbeing of her team above her own needs.
Rene goes above and beyond for our caregivers; Rene helped initiate the CNA meetings that Covenant initiated a year ago. Rene went above her expected duties, gave of her personal time and finances to provide needed education and recognition for our ancillary staff. Rene prepared a special meal (out of her own pocket) to recognize our ancillary staff during CAN week. She cares deeply about our staff and takes the time to ensure that they are appreciated.
Rene goes above and beyond for her patients; Rene does an amazing job caring for her patients while they are in-house. On one occasion Rene was caring for a difficult patent who had just had a colostomy placed. Rene spent many hours educating the patient and their family. The patient understood the care but was struggling with the psycho-social aspect of living with a colostomy. Rene gave the patient her personal phone number and told her that she could call her anytime for assistance. This patient utilized that relationship on many occasions, each time Rene would go to the patient's house and visit with her about her concerns and offer education and support regarding the appliances that she was using. Eventually, the calls came less as the patient's confidence and knowledge grew.
Rene is a true hero for her patients and a shining star at Covenant, she exemplifies commitment and compassion and is a true example for her peers.