Melissa Wiley
June 2020
Peninsula Regional Medical Center
United States




I just wanted to send a huge kudos to Melissa Wiley RN because she's awesome. She had a patient who needed to be transferred to another hospital pretty quickly and they needed to have blood on standby for her. Unfortunately, the EMS transport staff cannot hang blood, so once they arrived to pick her up we found out a nurse needed to go with the patient. Often it takes time to get a nurse to come in and go with the transport team and this patient needed to go right away. Melissa knew how important it was that her patient needed to be transferred. She didn't hesitate to offer to go. She ended up working a 15 hour day in efforts to go above and beyond for her patients like she always does. Meanwhile, she was training a new employee and setting a great example of what it means to care about our patients here. She is a pleasure to work with and truly an amazing nurse to our patients.