Morgan Hammett
June 2020
Labor and Delivery
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
Jacksonville Beach
United States




Morgan was my labor and delivery nurse. I labored with Pitocin and no medication, so I experienced significant pain. She was exceptional in being supportive and motivating without hovering or smothering me during labor. She suggested positions and instructed my husband on how to massage my back to help with the pain. She was encouraging and a strong leader in the delivery room and gave me a much-needed pep talk after I was too far along for an effective epidural, telling me over and over that, I could accomplish this great endeavor. I struggled with back labor, as the baby was sunny-side up, and she was there with me, remaining calm, even as the OB had to use suction to finally pull my son out after an hour of pushing.
After I delivered my baby on New Year's eve (one minute after midnight), I had unforeseen significant complications - a uterine inversion, Grade 3 tear, and hemorrhage that required emergency surgery, intubation, and blood transfusion. I could tell something was wrong right after delivery, but she remained calm and supportive as I was wheeled to the OR. I was so lucky to have my OB and the entire Baptist team by my side - if I had not been in such capable hands, I might not have survived. My son was healthy and perfect. She was there when I woke up after surgery to introduce me to my son. Even though it was the morning of NYE, she stayed past her shift to wait until I woke up. She helped me understand what happened, and was encouraging about my recovery.
I often think of that night. It was traumatic but wonderful to bring my son into the world. I am convinced that I never would have made it through as well as I did without her being there for me. She saw me in a state that I thought was my most vulnerable, but she told me was the most powerful, and helped me in so many ways that she will never realize. My husband and I both cried when we said goodbye to her when she left her shift. I am eternally grateful and will never forget her.