Ann Russell
February 2020
3F Pre Post
Tampa General Hospital
United States




By way of introduction, I was a patient of Ann's, and may I also say I have been a Board-Certified Emergency Medicine Physician for the past 30 years, so I am acquainted with both good and not-so-good nurses from both sides of the street as it were. Ann is dearly among the best. Even with my background, I don't mind saying I was somewhat anxious regarding my procedure and was going to ask anesthesia for a relaxant. After spending time with Ann, I forgot all about it. As far as her ability to deal with people, I can say without a doubt, she is real she didn't say what she thought I wanted to hear but relayed what I needed to hear and in an amusing and informative manner. Usually, the pre-op portion with nurses is rather mundane to me given my background, but I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Ann. On a more clinical basis, nurses always seem to have trouble getting an IV on me when I'm dehydrated, as I always am after a 12 hour fast and go for the ante-cubital area if they can get it. Ann got the IV, FIRST TIME, in the back of my hand with a minimum of pain no less!
In addition, having had experience in other areas of medicine, I'd undergone a Cardiac Bypass surgery in 2019 and was able to learn information from her that the doctors with whom I work could not answer. Things that I have been pondering for the past six months since that time.
She was no less than great. If I find myself in the position of needing surgery again at TGH, I will without a doubt ask for Ann, and would whole-heartedly recommend her to anyone needing to utilize your facilities.