The St. Joseph's Hospital South Team
July 2020
The St. Joseph's Hospital
South Team
St. Joseph's Hospital South
United States
Janice Daush Information Desk Clerk,
Kim Wallace Manager - Volunteer Services,
Margaret Armstrong Child Life,
Brianna Courteau RN,
Meredith Carlton RN,
Sam Steele RN,
Hector Lorenzo RN,
Karla Benitez PST,
Vincent Keen RN,
Dr. Gero MD




I would like to recognize the amazing teamwork and dedication to patients that were exhibited on Tuesday by the staff. During a very difficult situation, several people went above and beyond to provide exemplary care and service to our pediatric patients. It was amazing to see so many people rise to the occasion, band together and provide those children with love, care, and compassion that they likely have not seen before. Not only did it show the true character of our team, but also the passion that we have for our community.
Five children came into the hospital unexpectedly with only the clothes on their backs. The five children were not patients but dropped at the door of the hospital and the team stepped in to ensure their safety and emotional well-being. I would like to commend those who left their daily responsibilities to supervise, love, and care for the 5 abandoned children. One team member even came in over 2 hours before the start of her shift to help the team. One RN was instrumental in obtaining necessary information and contacting all appropriate agencies to arrange for a safe discharge. One nurse immediately went out to care for the children and ensure their immediate safety upon their arrival. In addition, she left to get them new clothes, shoes, and accessories, paying for it with her own money. I would also like to recognize two other nurses who both came down offering their support and aid to our team. They also helped to care for the children, making sure they were fed well. They assisted with getting them showered and cleaned properly, taking the children upstairs to an empty room for privacy. This allowed me to do a proper assessment of their well-being and possible injuries/illnesses.
The care and dedication to these children was noticed by others as well. The multiple agencies involved were also impressed and surprised at the level of compassion that was shown to this family. I personally would like to thank everyone for making a difficult and emotional situation a bit easier. Team members were not assigned to care for these children as they were not patients. The team was noted holding these children to allow them to sleep trying to console and comfort them. The team stayed with these children while coordinating agency intervention for the placement of the children and treatment of the mother. We do not know what life has been like for them but in those hours while within our facility, they were cared for compassionately, lovingly, and in a manner that went way above and beyond.