Jamie Whitesel
February 2020
Medical Respiratory ICU
VCU Health
United States




Jamie always has the most positive attitude and truly cares about her patients. This day was no different and Jamie went above and beyond to meet the psychosocial needs of her patient.
During a 12-hour day shift on the Medical Respiratory ICU, Jamie Whitesel was caring for a patient whose husband was simultaneously a patient in the Neuroscience ICU. Jamie immediately recognized the need for this patient to see her husband. And so....Jamie began a day of collaborative planning with her manager in the MRICU and the team in NSICU.
At the completion of her shift, Jamie and a Care Partner, transported her patient to the NSICU to see her husband. The two were placed next to each other so she could see her husband. They were so close, they were able to hold each other's hands. While she was there, her husband's nurse was able to page the Neurosurgery team so she could get updates on his condition.
Upon leaving, the wife's tears weren't for the current situation but of deep gratitude. Jamie's assessment of her patient's need and the work she put into fulfilling that need was a true representation of nursing, going above and beyond basic care.
She represented for us the extraordinary compassionate care that is recognized by The DAISY Foundation... Thank you!