Adda Rojas
July 2020
Labor and Delivery
Queen of the Valley Medical Center
United States




My wife gave birth to our son at the Queen of the Valley recently. We had a birth plan drawn up that we were unable to follow due to unforeseen complications. This could have led to a less than stellar birth experience for my wife but the staff at the Queen made sure that was not the case. We were officially admitted around 6:30 am, right around the shift change and our nurse that morning was Adda.
Adda's professionalism and upbeat attitude instantly made us feel at ease. Adda made it clear to us that she was going to do everything in her power to help us follow our birth plan as closely as possible. As the day went on and things got busier outside our room, Adda constantly checked in on us and made us feel comfortable Adda also went out of her way to check in on us twice after we gave birth and we had moved out of her department. Many of your staff went above and beyond for us but Adda will always occupy a special place in our birth story.
Adda played a critical role in making the birth of our son a pleasantly memorable one. I entered into the birth process incredibly anxious and frustrated after premature rupture of membranes and no signs of labor progress in sight. As I watched all my birth preferences go out the window, Adda was a ray of positivity and compassion.
She helped me accept what I could not control gracefully and keep an open mind to new options and alternatives as they presented themselves. Adda helped us navigate what could have been a frustrating and negative experience in a way that didn't take away from the birth of our son.
Adda made us feel like we were family; I never doubted if she had our best interest in mind and always felt like we were her priority. It was like she was my sister, I felt so much love in her care. When questions came up, she always helped us find answers. She even went the extra mile to research beyond our questions in order to provide next-level care. She consistently went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable in making decisions. I felt as if she could read my personality and adapted her care to meet all my needs.
Adda will always stand out to us as the stands for care and we would be so blessed if every nurse we encounter in the future is even half as amazing as her. We are so grateful to Adda.