Kaitlyn Harrel
July 2020
Heart and Vascular
Memorial Hospital of South Bend
South Bend
United States




My mother was taken to Memorial after suffering a mild heart attack. After being stabilized in the ER she was admitted and Kaitlyn Harrel was assigned to her care.
My mom didn't want any tests or procedures recommended by her doctor, I'm sure knowing all they would do is delay the inevitable. The medication she was on only assisted her heart and kidneys to function at minimum levels. It was decided later that afternoon to remove those meds and let things take their course. She passed away peacefully just after midnight the following day.
During the period of time, my family and I were at the hospital, Kaitlyn basically did nothing but deal with anything my mom needed or asked for. She kept us updated on what was happening, what to expect when the meds were removed, constantly checking my mom for discomfort, and giving her medications that would help as the other meds wore off. Her desire to help, along with her cheerful upbeat and positive attitude made a difficult period for us much easier to deal with.
Kaitlyn is to be commended for her professionalism, her compassion for her job, and her obvious need to do anything possible to comfort her patients along with their loved ones at the most difficult times.