Ashley Genevay
June 2020
Tulane Medical Center
New Orleans
United States




As a foreign traveler falling very ill on my last day in New Orleans, I found myself in the ER instead of returning to the UK. Whilst my husband and I found ourselves at our most frightened and vulnerable we couldn't have been in safer hands. I will be eternally grateful to RN in particular for her kindness and utter brilliance for holding me tightly through every step. I could not have wished for better care and as the system in the ISA is quite different than that back home, it was especially important for us both to have things explained properly.
Ashley did exactly that in a professional way but with such kindness. From calling my husband on the phone to get him back to the ER when I was in too much pain to speak, to helping out with accommodation suggestions. She even helped us 4 days after my discharge with extra paperwork that my insurance company needed. Ashley did all these things and so much more.