Nikki Novak
April 2018
G15 Lymphoma/Myeloma Unit
MD Anderson Cancer Center
United States




This old quote certainly rings true: "Nurses may not be angels, but they are the next best thing." Nikki Novak made a huge impact on my first experience during my first round of chemo.
The most important aspect of Nikki that influenced my stay was her attitude and personality. Nikki immediately established a personal connection with me, as I have never had with previous nurses. She made me feel at ease through her conversations, humor, witty banter, and overall interactions. Laughter always helps take your mind off things, and Nikki is always able to make me laugh. We created a unique bond, almost as if she is my little sister, and it was impactful in my first week of chemotherapy. Her sister-like connection created a comical atmosphere that allowed me to feel comfortable, teasing her and reciprocating the fun repartee. All of this helped the treatment run smoothly and is one of my best memories from the first week.