Astrid Harrelson
August 2015
Labor & Delivery
Carolinas HealthCare System NorthEast
United States




My daughter was one week overdue for her first pregnancy and had been trying every trick in the book to try and induce labor so as to avoid being induced. Finally the first sign of labor began to slowly appear. She waited overnight and even though things were not progressing too much, she had a feeling that something was not right and that she should be checked out so she presented to the Women's Center where Astrid was assigned to take care of her. The signs of labor had slowed; there were no obvious issues. The baby's heart rate was within normal limits. Calling the delivery doctor, Astrid reported on the situation.
The physician was inclined to send my daughter home, this was very early labor at best, and have her come in for her scheduled induction the next day. Astrid did not feel comfortable sending her home. There was something non-specific that she identified in her assessment that she did not like. She relayed her concern to the physician who agreed to keep my daughter and start induction. We were only a short while into the process when they broke her water. From that moment on, we had an emergency that culminated in an emergent C-section within minutes due to the cord being wrapped around the baby's neck twice and her heart rate was plummeting. An emergency C-section was performed and both baby and mom are fine.
Astrid exemplified all of the CHS core values while caring for my daughter. It was the scariest thing our family has ever gone through and she was consistently there for my daughter and her family. Her clinical skill and expertise and her nursing intuition make her an expert in patient care. Her compassion and caring attitude makes her a nurse of the highest caliber. I credit Astrid, the physician and the team that responded to this emergency with saving my beautiful granddaughter's life.
Astrid, from one nurse to another ~ you are awesome and will never be forgotten. Thank you for everything!