Mike Stephens
November 2015
5 East ART
MUSC Health
United States




Mike Stephensis a nurse long over-due for recognition for his compassion and clinical expertise at the bedside. LM is a patient well known to our unit as she has an end-stage disease process that requires frequent admissions. She began to know us as a second family. Throughout these many admissions Mikecared for her many times and they developed a special rapport. During her last admission, Miss M's prognosis changed, and unfortunately a palliative consult and end of life arrangements were made. Her cancer metastasized to her brain and resulted in dramatic changes in her personality. She became emotionally unpredictable and altered at times. LM went from being independent and safely leaving the unit at her will to requiring a room closest to the nurses station and frequent intervention by staff, just to keep her safe.
As her clinical condition steadily deteriorated, LM had days that were better than others but the one constant she could count on was the compassionate care she received from Mike. When she was having a good day, and physically able, Mike (and many other staff) would take her and all her required equipment outside. The process was tedious and time consuming but even a glimpse of sunshine and fresh air made a huge impact on her emotional state.
LM began to request Mike by name when the charge nurse was making the next shift's assignment. She knew with confidence that if he was there she was going to get the emotional and clinical support she needed. One amazing thoughtful way he lifted her spirits was making LM her favorite ice cream. It is well known among our unit that Mike has a talent for making delicious treats. When Mike heard LM loved ice cream and that it was one of the few things she still wanted to eat he asked her about her favorite flavors. He then proceeded to make it and bring it to her!
Her decision to be discharged to hospice was not an easy choice. The discharge planning was complicated by the fact that Mike was going to be out of town when she was scheduled to go home. Close to her time of discharge Mike was overheard by another nurse calling into LM's room just to check in on her. It lifted her spirits so much that she ambulated around that unit that day glowing and telling everyone she came into contact with"guess who called me" and "he just wanted to check on me since he won't be back, he is so amazing he makes me feel loved." It is hard to put into words how much Mike's thoughtfulness impacted this patient's outlook, and ability to cope. This simple act of kindness impacted her ability to cope, and made her feel cherished by her "hospital family".
Compassion at the bedside is not a trait you can teach. The ability to truly care about the impact you have on another person's life is something that is amazing to witness in action. Mike went above and beyond and is most deserving of a DAISY Award.