Denna Haslett
February 2016
Emergency Department
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
United States




Denna displayed stellar nursing when we had the 11 year old choking/strangulation patient in our Emergency Department.
As you can image, it was a high stress situation and as the primary RN taking care of this young patient; I barely looked up from the patient for a good hour or two. Right in the beginning, I was starting an IV with a doctor above me, a grandmother asking questions, and a newly arrived mother in crisis (vomiting, emoting, etc.). I heard from behind me, "What do you need?" and I responded, "Nurse for mom, now". From that moment on Denna was at the mother's side, talking her through the situation.
The reason I found her care particularly remarkable that day was that the mother was coping with a very difficult situation in some unconventional ways, and I am positive that a lesser nurse than Denna would have found it difficult not to judge her. The mother left the patient's side frequently to go out and smoke. Denna continued to find her and re-orient her to her child's situation and her role in it, while supporting her. The mother was alternately detached, distraught, and physically ill, and Denna was a strong presence at her side.
When we were able to bring the mother in to see and speak to her child, she was settled into the situation and able to support her son as well as connect with him as his mother. She was comfortable and prepared to touch him and hold his hand and do the things she needed to do before he was transported. This was critical because we did not know how bad his outcome might be and whether she would see him again alive.
It is usually the action-in-a-code nursing that is seen as heroic and commendable, but I think Denna truly deserves recognition for her steadfast presence, comfort, and patient care in helping this family cope with an untenable situation. She allowed the mother space to cope in her own way while caring for her and guiding her into the role of supportive mother. I do not think every nurse can do this, and it was Denna's great skill and compassion that led her to help his mother through a nightmare of a situation.
In addition to her direct assistance to the family, I was freed to work on the patient with my total focus, knowing that Denna was fully committed to the family presence. I feel that this type of support extends to the nurses in the room also, allowing them to completely immerse themselves in the situation at hand. In critical moments being able to focus like this is a gift to the nurses and the patient as well, and I deeply appreciate being able to apply my best care to our young patient without distraction.
All in all it was an excellent demonstration of nursing from Denna, in line with every principle and tenet of what it means to be a nurse. It is nice to look back at a very difficult situation and feel proud of the care we gave that family. It was inspiring and set a new standard for code situations for us.