Karen Powell
February 2016
Cath Lab Care Unit
Mount Carmel St. Ann's Hospital
United States




Karen consistently provides the most extraordinary care to her patients and families. Her patience and compassion knows no bounds. Frequently, she cares for patients that have extreme issues, exorbitant needs or simply require more tender loving care. Karen can be found at the bedside...always smiling, reassuring and providing care that I am in awe to witness. She truly exemplifies "patience of a saint".
On a recent day, "Mrs. X" was her patient. Mrs. X was an elderly, fragile lady for spent approximately 7 hours in our unit, the majority of this on bedrest. A bedridden patient certainly requires much assistance throughout the course of the day. Her husband, required almost as much care! He had severe back deformity and pain with difficulty walking. Also, he was unable to sit comfortably in our upright chairs. Karen ensured both of them ate a hot lunch then set him up in a bed in the room beside Mrs. X. They both rested during the required bedrest time. You can imagine what an impact this had on both of them. Instead of leaving exhausted, stressed and beat down. They left our hospital feeling better than when they came in, laughing and making jokes the whole way down the hallway. It was heartwarming to see how much Karen's care and attention meant to each of them. It's all in a day's work for Karen. Cath lab care unit is very fortunate to have Karen Powell on our staff.