Ashley Garcia
February 2016
Trauma Neurology Intensive Care Unit
St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital and Health Care Center
United States




I want you to know what a Gem you have in Ashley Garcia. My mom came to St. Vincent with a severe stroke at the base of the skull. The information the doctors were relaying was that "your mom may not make it and you need to make plans in case this happens". When mom came to Trauma ICU - we were so lucky to have Ashley as her nurse. Mom was able to speak as the stroke had not affected her speech. When they first met they were like "water and vinegar" according to mom, but Ashley was an angel. My mom's perception was that Ashley was trying to poison her when she got her a drink. I had to taste it first to prove to mom that was not the case. The funny thing is, Ashley took it all in stride and understood it was the stroke talking. By the end of that same day, mom was mad at me because Ashley did not have our home address to come and visit us for Christmas.
After 2 ½ weeks in ICU mom was able to go to a Rehab hospital to build her strength. We moved her there, and within 24 hours she suffered a blood clot in her brain and was once again sent to Trauma ICU for another 2 weeks. We were lucky to have Ashley again. Mom would see Ashley's face and smile. Mom had other medical issues arise while hospitalized and Ashley always came in with a smile to make mom feel better. She also made mom a little Christmas tree that we will always remember her by.
I wanted you to know you have hired the right kind of person for this job. Your other staff is great but there is just something very special about Ashley that touched my sister and me.
Please acknowledge Ashley for her outstanding personality with her patients and their families. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.