John Manaois
June 2013
Acute Rehabilitation
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center
Mission Hills
United States




I'm very glad to have had John as my nurse because he is one of those people who we meet who seems to be doing what he loves to do and is exactly where he should be, doing what he was born to do.

One day, John was helping me out of the bathroom. I stopped in front of the mirror to look at my shaved head (because of my accident) and got real sad. John leaned over and looked at my sad reflection in the mirror and told me, "Don't worry, your hair will grow back! You're still beautiful!" With those kind and encouraging words, he put a smile on my face, and from that day forward, my short hair never bothered me again.

You see, John didn't have to say those things to me. He had other patients to tend to, taking care of them as if they were his own family, but he took the time to be compassionate with me and to be himself. Thank you, John for all that you do and for making my stay a memorable one.