John Wilson
December 2019
Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit
Novant Health UVA Health System Prince William Medical Center
United States




Where do I begin with John? His humor and love for his job are unmatched. His laughter is infectious. You can't help but be happy when he is around. His booming personality uplifts ALL of the patients on the BH Unit, not just the patients assigned to him.
I was having a particularly low day and begrudgingly went outside. I saw John having a go at soccer with another patient and my mood immediately lifted. It was a sight made for a viral video! I played badminton with him and some of the other patients and we all just cracked up. He is retiring and his presence on the unit will be sorely missed. He is so selfless, empathetic and compassionate. The patients have been blessed to know him and won't forget him.