June 2012
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Maimonides Medical Center
United States




I have a longstanding working relationship with Anna Sullivan as a staff nurse in the NICU for almost 11 years. I have known her to be a positive role model to all nurses. She always demonstrates professional conduct evening the most challenging circumstances and shows expert knowledge and skills in the care of critically ill babies. She shows compassion, empathy, patience, flexibility, vision and team effort within gte work setting to improve patient care outcome. She is dedicated to the procession by maintaining a certification in critical care nursing, keeping abreast with current trends and scientific advances in neonatal care by attending conferences, participating in unit-based projects and maintaining her status as a senior staff in the NICU.

Anna Sullivan is a Certified Critical Care Nurse and a Senior Staff Nurse in the NICU that exemplifies her level of expertise in the field of neonatal care. She willingly shares her knowledge and expertise through mentorship and preceptorship to both novice and veteran nurses to bring the best care to all babies admitted in the NICU. He provides compassionate care consistent with the rights and dignity of infants and families and supports families health care decisions to congruent to the best interest outcomes of babies. Equipped with the ability to speak Cantonese as her native language, she offers help with qualms by translating information to Chinese speaking parents so that parents can make conscious and well informed medical decisions.

Committed to improving the standard of care of fragile and sick babies, Anna Sullivan, in her untiring participation to prevent the occurrence of centrally acquired blood stream infections in the NICU, gathers monthly data and identifies infants with central lines at risk for infections. Remarkably, because of her commitment and dedication to this project, prompt interventions were instituted and the number of babies with blood stream infections in the NICU has declined dramatically in the last 2 years.

Because of her devotion to the practice of nursing, Anna Sullivan has made significant impact towards better outcome for babies and family satisfactions, inspires and motivates others by her accomplishments and is an asset to the organization.