Caitlin Tutko
February 2017
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Kaleida Health Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo
United States




Our baby was rushed to the NICU after an emergency C-section surgery and was not breathing when born. We were told his brain had lost blood during delivery and he may have sustained damage.
While Caitlin Tutko was caring for our new-born baby she not only comforted him but us as well. She took thorough notes from the doctors during rounds of past accomplishments and future goals. Without even having to ask, she would consistently and casually, yet professionally, update us with information.
Additionally, while caring for our son, she would always personalize procedures and processes. She would consistently and soothingly talk to him; they even had "inside jokes" and sayings when certain things would take place. She knew our baby and cared for him like family.
One of the most difficult nights my wife and I faced was when we decided to end boarding a few nights after discharge. Obviously, this was heart-aching to not be under the same roof as our baby. But the night we decided to sleep at home was one of the same nights Caitlin was caring for our baby. We sighed in relief and knew he would be okay through the night as long as she was by his side.
Her professional manner and high-level care paired with her charming and calming personality are of impeccable quality and she deserves to be recognized for her amazing skill-set that she brings to Women and Children's Hospital. I do not have a doubt that her narrating steps and consoling our baby while on shift, helped to create the miracle of our baby's full healing. God Bless her!