November 2018
San Angelo Community Medical Center
San Angelo
United States




Michelle is an exceptional nurse. She tirelessly works to make sure all patients are treated with the best care possible. Michelle can be tough as a charge nurse but has a heart of gold.
We had a patient who came from a group home. When Michelle found out it was this patient's birthday, she asked the Director of the unit to pick up a birthday cake. Michelle went to the gift shop, and purchased a stuffed animal and watch for this patient. This patient was MHMR, and the excitement she showed when the cake and presents arrived was phenomenal. It brought tears to our eyes. Michelle has a heart of gold.
Last April, my husband had been hospitalized for chest pain and was to be discharged. Michelle had noted a slight change in rhythm and notified the physician. Without Michelle catching this change in rhythm, my husband would have gone undiagnosed with AFIB. We are so thankful for her.
Since we have been short staffed, Michelle has been picking up extra every week for the past year. She is invaluable as a charge RN. With low census, Michelle has stepped up to be the unit secretary, aide, and anything else that needs to be done. When there is downtime, which is rare, Michelle is choreographing cleaning up the unit. She does not let anyone sit on their laurels!
Last week, we did not have a unit secretary, Michelle was at the front desk right after shift change, when she noticed an alarm, and a patient was going into Vfib/Vtach; she was in the room in a flash, and a code was called. The patient ended up being transferred and was ok.