Ivette Roldan
November 2015
Nicklaus Children's Hospital
United States




Ivette truly defines all of the following criteria: kind, friendly, caring, good listener, understanding, sympathetic and energetic. Over the last two years I have had the pleasure working alongside this exceptional facilitator and leader. I have seen her lead by example, I have witnessed first-hand all of her hard work, exceptional work ethic and most of all the dedication she pours into her colleagues, her council, her unit, her staff, their patients and families.
She shows compassion on a daily basis, she has an open door policy, she listens and advises with genuine compassion and care for other human beings. She doesn't treat you like an employee number, but a fellow professional nurse. She always is in the moment when you need her. I never come to 3 E and not feel welcomed or greeted by her and her staff with a huge smile, genuine gratitude for me floating there and conscious consideration of my day. Her unit is one of the most organized and structured running units throughout the entire hospital. She makes us all cross our T's and dot our i's in order to deliver excellence in care.
She does her daily rounds and truly listens to the concerns of the patients and families on her unit. She makes a difference in the care provided through the support and resources she provides for her staff. Throughout Nurse's Week she never left our side. She carried boxes, she made snacks, and she did it all without complaining or leaving us to do all the hard work. She has constantly been an exceptional facilitator throughout the course of our council contract and has allowed just the right amount of autonomy and support in order to execute initiatives that will forever be remembered.
I am very grateful for the type of leader that Ivette is, for the goals she aims for us all to achieve, and for the support that she gives on many levels to achieve them. Her professionalism and Transformational Leadership qualities have allowed our council to grow professionally and attain its set goals. Her vision has taken us where we needed to be, just as I have learned through Magnet that a TL does. Thank you Ivette for displaying what great quality leadership looks like and for always leading by example. You are an amazing nurse who helps lead others on their journey of excellence.