Cindy Harnar
November 2016
Mercy Hospital Joplin
United States




Cindy was a repeat nurse taking care of my preemie in the NICU. My first encounter with her she came in and took care of my son with much love. After completing the usual routines before feedings, she asked a lot of questions to make sure I was up to speed on the way things were going. She reminded me to drink my water and volunteered to write me a meal voucher to make sure I was eating and taking care of myself despite me being in the NICU and worrying about my son. She has acted very motherly towards me during my son's stay. She's taken me (and my son) under her wing in her care and you can tell she is working just as hard as I am to get my son home. This is my second NICU experience. I've spent a total of 4+ weeks with my babies in the NICU and I've experienced many nurses in and out. I make a point to pay attention to my nurses' attitudes/care and treating them like friends. Cindy has stood out to me among all the nurses, doctors and nurse practitioners I have dealt with.
After delivering our son, he was moved to the NICU. Cindy was his nurse several times and each time we visited we could tell he was receiving excellent care. She was frequently telling us how much she loved her job. She was kind, caring and friendly to our son, ourselves and the visitors we had. Even when she wasn't our nurse, she came in to check on him and to see how we were doing. She stopped by multiple times just to talk, knowing that we were exhausted. She made her babies, whom she was caring for, a priority and did everything to make their stay in the NICU a positive experience.