Kelsey Wilfert
June 2019
Aurora BayCare Medical Center
Green Bay
United States




If anyone is in need of a smile, help, or quality nursing care- look no further than Kelsey Wilfert. Kelsey makes a positive impact on her patients and coworkers each and every day. As a coworker, I experience this every time that I work with Kelsey. She advocates for her patients and ensures that all patients receive the help that they need. What makes Kelsey different is that she not only cares for her patients but also does whatever she can to help other patients on the unit and throughout the hospital.
One situation that stood out to me was when Kelsey was working on 2ICU and had completed her shift. Other people were busy with their patients or had left for the day, but before leaving Kelsey asked if anyone needed help. I told her that I had a hospice patient who had just passed away and a patient that needed to be transferred to ICU. Even though she had plans after work, without hesitation, she jumped in and began to help. She comforted the family, made several phone calls, and helped me transfer my patient to ICU, which was all above and beyond. This was a time consuming and stressful process, but Kelsey was there every step of the way to make sure everyone was taken care of. Kelsey's daily actions are perfect examples of teamwork, patient-centered care, and compassion. She is truly a DAISY Nurse.