Cally-Anne Plaisted
October 2020
Acute Medical Unit 1
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




I was admitted to the ward from A+E. This trip to UCHW was extremely overwhelming for me. I suffer from Complex PTSD, agoraphobia, and other complex mental health needs following serious trauma and years of abuse/assault. Prior to this admission, I had been housebound for a year, and not stepped outside without the support of my community psychiatric Nurse and safe friends and family. I had only in the last few weeks been outside my home with support and never been outside or away from my home alone once. In light of this, I was completely overwhelmed and afraid of needing to stay in the hospital. I was acutely frightened of the space, noises, and people. Fear for my safety is a huge trigger in my life and being admitted to the bay on the ward was distressing.
After admission, Cally came on to the day shift. In her care of me, I explained my complex needs and she could see I was extremely frightened and distressed. She was incredibly kind, listened well, and worked hard to help me feel less anxious and afraid. Every time she came to my bedside, she crouched down on to my level and spoke with compassion and care. Early on in her shift, she talked with the Nurse in Charge explaining my complex needs and fears. Cally suggested they move me to a side-room to allow me a measure of feeling safe and together they made that happen. I have never been so relieved to have staff who saw beyond the presenting problem and worked hard to alleviate other needs also.
Throughout that day shift, Cally continued to respond to my needs with kindness and never once made me feel bad for needing her presence or support. She worked tirelessly to ease my fears and make my stay as easy as it could be. When she left that night, it was with sadness that I watched her go, because I felt safe with her around.
Again, on a different day, Cally was the Nurse in Charge. Although not directly involved in my care, she became involved when I experienced a huge panic attack and struggled to breathe or calm myself after becoming very distressed. She came into the room with the nurse who was assigned to my care and stayed with me, speaking calmly, reassuring me I was safe and waited until I was feeling safer and the initial panic had subsided.
On a number of occasions when I was an inpatient, although not directly responsible for my care, she popped her head into the room to say hello and check I was okay. She always offered me a sense of safety and of care which went beyond her duties. She had no need to keep checking on me, but she did and that meant so much. When you are terrified of your environment and changing staff, the small visits from those you've met before mean so much and especially in my case. Cally is an exceptional nurse and most definitely went above and beyond in her kindness and care for me. She is a complete asset to your Trust and has left me with positive memories from what was a completely traumatic time for me.