Brid O'Riordan
November 2017
Medical Oncology
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre-Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Hardworking, caring and friendly are some qualities that staff articulate when questioned about working with Brid. Her positive demeanor is observed and noted by the multidisciplinary team and the patient's relatives. A patient who was aphasic relied on his family member to translate his needs to Brid, who understood the patient was anxious and uncomfortable with his disease management. Brid actively listened to the concerns and noted how troubled the patient was, she recognized from the patient's nonverbal body language that he was greatly distressed about not knowing what his management plan was. Brid communicated with the medical team to ensure the explanation was provided that satisfied the patient and the loved ones. She cared to follow up whether the patient required more information and agreed with the plan for his disease. The patient's psychological needs were met and his hospital stay was positive because Brid and the nursing staff were always helpful and considerate to respond to the patients' needs in a timely manner. The patient and his loved ones were deeply grateful for the time Brid spent with them and how touched they were when she respected their concerns and maintained their dignity always. She was compassionate by understanding the difficulty the patient experienced with his diagnosis and treatment. Brid treated the patient as a person who had a lot to process and the mammoth task it is to support a patient while they accept their new life with a disease.
As a charge nurse, Brid is relied upon to make decisions collaborating with the multidisciplinary team and keeping the nursing staff in the loop when changes are happening at a fast pace. She leads the unit with considerable attention to detail ensuring no task, no matter how small is not forgotten or dismissed. She helps to develop leaders, she will support staff to think problems through and help them reach a conclusion on how to manage certain circumstances and think positively. She will not accept compromising quality or justification for not following the protocol is questioned and staff supported to understand shortcuts are not acceptable. Her approach is such that staff thank are frequently for assisting them to correct errors and raise the safety culture in the unit. She is leading on the CAUTI taskforce and bringing positive change in the nursing practice. Staff better understand the expectation because Brid recognizes and applauds staff members' efforts. The unit has not had central line or urinary catheter infection for a number of months because the staff is working together, peer to peer review is reiterated and leaders like Brid are influencing staff to be role models at all times. No deviation is accepted, and Brid's integrity is remarked upon, she will accept her mistakes and move forward to prevent similar events from reoccurring.
It is an honor to have Brid working in the unit, she is a role model.