Jessica Moore
October 2020
8 West Med-Surg
Grandview Medical Center




The world truly needs more Jessicas! What a kind and compassionate person. We believe that God puts the right people in your life at the right time, and we were blessed to have Jessica. My father-in-law was her patient. We brought him to the ER for his breathing and expected to bring him home. He was admitted, and all of a sudden, we were planning for hospice, and then he passed while in the hospital. All of this within a weeks' time. We were in shock.
We wanted to nominate and recognize Jessica for her love and support. We were in the hospital on Christmas Day and she gave my father-in-law a handmade postcard that read "Wishing you a very blessed and Merry Christmas! Love Jessica". It was so kind and thoughtful. We placed it where he could see it. Every time we saw her, she was always asking if we needed anything, and always seemed professional and interested in our dad.
When we were trying to make decisions on hospice, and the stress was getting worse, she was always there to give support and kindness. The night he passed he told us he just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. Jessica was there when he said that and saw how upset we were. We had no idea that God would take him that night. We went home and he passed in the night. Jessica and others tried their best to reach us, but we never heard the phone.
When we returned to the hospital the next morning, we found the sweetest note from Jessica that gave us such comfort and peace. She placed it on his Christmas card so we would see it. It read "I am so sorry for your loss. I stayed until the last minute with him. He was so peaceful. My prayers are with y'all. Love, Jessica." She will never ever know how much that note meant to our family. I pray God will bless her in the same way she has blessed us. She has heart and is more than a nurse.
Our family will always be grateful and remember Jessica and I hope that Grandview will recognize her and her many efforts to help and love others. She is a true blessing! Thank you again, Jessica, for being wonderful and staying with our loved one as he passed into glory to be with Father God and with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You were our angel on earth for sure. She is the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing comfort to others.
Thank you, Jessica.