Richard White
October 2020
Daytona Outpatient Mental Health
Orlando VA Healthcare System




Richard will bring a clean set of clothing, including shoes for the veteran to change into before getting into the car. Richard arranges follow-up appointments for the veteran and visits him frequently.
Richard has exceptional interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, the ability to think outside of the box, and goes above and beyond to provide excellent customer service to our veterans. Following is just one example of his dedication to our veterans.
Richard has been working with a veteran who is in a particularly difficult living environment with complex medical issues. Behind the scenes, Richard reminds him ahead of time of each appointment and arranges a time that he will pick the veteran up from his apartment. Richard will bring a clean set of clothing, including shoes for the veteran to change into before getting into the car. Richard arranges follow-up appointments for the veteran and visits him frequently. He fills his pillbox weekly and monitors compliance with his medication, eye drops, food intake, and general wellness. Richard has arranged for someone to come in and clean the veteran's apartment, as well.
Richard has worked tirelessly attempting to find a better environment for the veteran to live in. He has applied to numerous locations and has worked with various disciplines to benefit this veteran including MDs, SW, RNs, and the veteran's family.
After many searches and attempts, the veteran recently moved into a different apartment that was completely furnished with everything new - a new bed, new kitchen equipment including a microwave, new clothing, etc. On the day of the move, transportation was arranged for by Lyft. Richard has collaborated with various organizations such as Meals on Wheels for meals, Votran Gold to help this veteran with transportation, housing, and the veteran's family. Richard also arranges for food deliveries from the food pantry.
Due to the importance of compliance of daily medication, Richard and the Social Worker have arranged a schedule to check with the veteran Monday through Friday to observe him taking his medications. Richard's care provided to this veteran is considered essential and modified visits to this veteran have continued during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this pandemic, Richard has helped with COVID-19 screening at 3 different facilities before and after his scheduled tour of duty including procuring supplies needed and setting up a tent outside of the mental health clinic for screening purposes. At times, Richard has gone between VA buildings across town multiple times on the same day.
Richard serves as a role model for the nursing profession. His actions demonstrate his willingness to go above and beyond for the veterans on his caseload. Richard exemplifies flexibility and teamwork.